Prevelo Size Guide


Getting your kids the right size bike is important and, fortunately, also easy. You just need two pieces of information about your little rider:

  • Inseam
  • Rider Experience


  1. Have the rider stand against a wall, hold a book between their legs so that it is firmly against their crotch and the wall (the same place their bicycle seat will be).
  2. Measure the distance from the floor to the top of the book.
Prevelo Bike Inseam Kid


Children who are learning are more sensitive to bicycle height than children who already know how to ride a bike. For this reason, our recommendations for bicycle sizing vary slightly based on the experience level of the rider. The chart below takes into account the fact that experienced riders tend to adapt better to a bike that is slightly larger. For this purpose we categorize young riders as either "Learners" or "Pedalers":

  • Learner: riders who either have not yet learned to ride a pedal bike, or are still frequently putting their feet on the ground while riding.
  • Pedaler: riders who can ride confidently and only put their feet down to stop.`


Model Wheel
Approx. Rider Age
Learner Inseam
Alpha Zero 12" 1½ + 12.5 to 16.5
Alpha One 14" 3 to 5 14.5 to 16.5
Alpha Two 16" 4 to 6 16.5 to 22
Alpha Three 20" 5 to 9 20 to 23
Alpha Four 24" 7 to 11 24.5 to 28
Zulu Three 20" 5½ to 9 22 to 26
Zulu Four 24" 8 to 11 25 to 29


Model Wheel
Approx. Rider Age
Pedaler Inseam
Alpha Zero 12" 1½ + n/a
Alpha One 14" 3 to 5 13 to 16.5
Alpha Two 16" 4 to 6 15.5 to 22
Alpha Three 20" 5 to 9 18 to 23
Alpha Four 24" 7 to 11 23 to 28
Zulu Three 20" 5½ to 9 20 to 25
Zulu Four 24" 8 to 11 23 to 29